Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Go Ahead--Call Me A Slacker

I haven't been on here for awhile. I have to get more consistent with this blog thing. Part of my absence is that I said in my last post, that I would be including an excerpt from my book, Wayward, in the next post. Trouble is, I can't decide what to post. Do I pick something from my first chapter? Do I pull out something from another chapter? What's just enough to make you want more? Well, you see where my head went with this.

What it really boils down to is me, getting in the way of myself. I just need to kick myself in the posterior and get disciplined to blog at least once a week. Sheesh, what a slacker!

So, this is my apology for being remiss. I'm going to pick out a little tidbit from the novel and post it!

Within two days of this post there will be and excerpt of my book.

See you Friday, February 17th, 2012.


Unknown said...

Yes, you've been slacking, but you'll get used to posting! I think you should post from your first chapter to see if people do want to know more about your book! well that's my two sense! Don't forget to comment on my blog!

Unknown said...

I'm posting the first 3 paragraphs. It will post at midnight Friday morning. I'll try to read yours at lunch.